"While dictators rage and statesmen talk, all Europe dances — to The Lambeth Walk."

Tuesday 21 July 2009

German Man Murdered in Turkey

A German tourist has been stabbed and killed in an apparently motiveless attack in Istanbul. It took the emergency services more than half an hour to move the dying man to a hospital which was just two minutes away.

Will there be riots in Germany? Did the Turkish government respond quickly and sensitively enough?

What's that, you say? They didn't comment at all?

The story didn't even warrant one mention in The Local?

How curious.
Deutscher Tourist in Istanbul erstochen
In der Innenstadt der türkischen Metropole Istanbul ist ein 45-jähriger deutscher Tourist durch einen Messerstich ins Herz getötet worden. Der Bundesbürger habe sich auf der Einkaufsstraße Istiklal Caddesi mit einem Unbekannten gestritten und sei von diesem dann mit einem Messer in die Herzgegend gestochen worden, meldete der Fernsehsender CNN-Türk.

A 45-year old German man was stabbed to the heart in Istanbul and murdered. The Germans had been shopping at Istiklal Caddesi market street and after an argument of some sort, a Muslim decided to stab him, reported the CNN's Turkey station.

Gregory K. was rushed to the near-by hospital but doctors there could not manage to save his life. The eyewitnesses told the CNN-Turkey that it took over half an hour to get the dying German to the hospital that was only 2 minutes away.

The Muslim murderer was caught by onlookers and he was handed over to the Turkish police. The reason for the dispute or murder is unknown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poetic justice... 42 year old Escaped convict stabbed for a lira.