"While dictators rage and statesmen talk, all Europe dances — to The Lambeth Walk."

Saturday 29 August 2009

Munshur Ali Raped 2 Girls of 13

From the BBC:

A man who raped two 13-year-old girls in the back of his car has been jailed for 14 years.

Munshur Ali, 22, of Hyde, Greater Manchester, gave his victims alcohol before driving to a secluded spot and attacking them.

He was found guilty of the November 2008 rapes at an earlier hearing, but was sentenced at Manchester's Minshull Street Crown Court on Friday.

Judge Peter Lakin called him "devious and manipulative".

Ali had denied three counts of rape, claiming the girls were willing to have sex, but was convicted by a jury last month.

His victims had been drinking while at an X-Factor sleepover with friends and were walking home along Newton Street in Hyde when he pulled up in his car and asked for directions.

Ali offered to give them a lift but he later refused to stop the car at their destination and drove to an off-licence instead, where he bought some vodka.

The judge told him: "Once you had them in your clutches, you plied them with more alcohol. You drove them to a secluded area and then you raped them.

"You knew, because they had told you, they were only 13.

"You subjected these two vulnerable, naive 13-year-olds to a terrifying ordeal, an ordeal that had and continues to have a very substantial impact on both girls and their respective families."

"Throughout this case you have been devious and manipulative... your attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of the jury failed, and rightly so."

Speaking after the hearing, Det Con Lindsey Morgan, of Greater Manchester Police, said both girls were now trying to put what had happened behind them.

"Both the girls have basically lost their innocent childhood, and they are traumatised by what's happened to them," she said.

Asked what she thought about Ali, she replied: "I think he was a sly, evil person that knew full well what he was doing, and he went out on this evening knowing that his intention was to get vulnerable girls into his car and rape them."

She said his insistence on his innocence had further upset the families and called his defence "ludicrous and absurd".

Remarkably, the BBC main news site has actually mentioned this not just once, but also permitted an interview with the mothers of the 2 girls concerned:

Two mothers from Greater Manchester have told how their "carefree, bubbly" 13-year-old daughters have changed since they were raped in the back of Munshur Ali's car in Greater Manchester. Ali, 22, was jailed for 14 years on Friday.

He picked the girls up in his Ford Fiesta, gave them alcohol and sexually attacked them in a secluded spot near his home in Hyde in November last year.

The women said their daughters were no longer trusting and confident, but were withdrawn and liked to spend more time alone.

One mother said: "Shortly before he raped my daughter and her friend she said they looked at each other and held each other's hands.

"I understood then how absolutely petrified she must have been, they were completely defenceless."

To protect the anonymity of the victims, neither mother has been identified.

Describing him as evil, Mother B said: "He has taken something away from my daughter that she will never get back. He had no right to take it.

"They don't show on their face what they are capable of; for doing something like this he should be locked away for a long time.

"He needs to understand what he has done and what impact it has caused. It is something we can never forgive."

Neither victim will talk about what happened. Their mothers say they feel ashamed as if they have done something wrong.

Mother A said her daughter was hysterical when recounting what Ali had done to her, two days after the attack.

"She felt dirty, like they had done something wrong. She was scared of going the police."

Ali lured them into his car by saying he would give them a lift to a friend's house. On they way he bought vodka and orange in an attempt to get them drunk.

As he passed sentence, Judge Peter Lakin told Ali: "Throughout this case you have been devious and manipulative.

"Not only have you made serious and deeply unpleasant allegations against the two girls, you also concocted a defence to fit the prosecution evidence against you.

"Your attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of the jury failed, and rightly so."


eh said...

It's the UK so he'll be out in half the time, which is a light sentence for doing such harm to young girls (who should have known better than to get into a car with a stranger).

In the US, guys who abuse children have a way of, ahem, attracting attention in prison.

Anonymous said...


"To understand what makes Muslims tick, you need to understand how utterly slavishly they imitate the founder of their death-cult, the charlatan and false prophet Mohammed.

Mohammed was a terrorist, murderer, sadist, rapist, pedophile, slaver, robber, extortionist, control-freak, liar and charlatan.

Okay, so nobody's perfect. But that unfortunately is the problem. Muslims are brainwashed from infancy into believing that Mohammed was indeed the perfect man, 'al-insan al-kamil and uswa hasana' the model of behavior for all those wishing to be obedient to Allah.

So to be a good Muslim is to be a robotic clone of the original founder of the the cult, whom you must emulate in every way, and in the process destroy your own individuality, judgement and conscience."

"...Islam is not about right and wrong thinking but correct behaviour. ... Morality is not a part of Islam. If there is a more fundamental difference between Islam and all other creeds and religions I do not know of it. It is so alien that the reader will have to consider its implications for some time to grasp the full meaning of it."

"...For the devout Muslim there is no place for conscience, compassion or empathy, only mobotic behavior patterns programmed by a long-dead psychopath. There is no morality to be had in Islam."

"...The muslim has no need for a conscience, because Mohammed's example determines what is right or wrong. If he wants to rape a nine year old girl or slaughter a few hundred kuffar then he will not be bothered by a guilty conscience, because the 'perfect man' has set the precedents."

More at http://isupporttheresistance.blogspot.com/2007/11/invasion-of-psychopathic-mobots.html